Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Last updated 8/21/20
Home Heating, Plumbing & A/C, Inc./Home & Hearth are committed to the health and safety of our customers, employees, and the community at large.
In response to COVID-19 we have developed a procedures according to CDC guidelines.
- Any employee who is sick, or has sick family members, is staying home.
- We are conducting daily health screenings for our employees.
- We have reviewed the proper techniques with all employees, according to CDC guidelines, on covering coughs/sneezes and washing hands thoroughly for 20 seconds or more with soap and water.
- We have reviewed the CDC recommended guidelines for social distancing of 6 feet or more with all employees.
- We have provided all field personnel with sanitizing products & processes for their tools and vehicles.
In Home Process:
- When scheduling your service call, one of our dispatchers will ask if anyone in the home is sick or has been recently exposed to COVID, if yes, we may need to reschedule the call for a later date.
- Our employee will call you on their way to let you know of their arrival;
- We ask that you please secure any pets that could roam around during the appointment.
- Our employees will greet you while still outside, explain their process to you and answer any initial questions you may have.
- Upon arrival, our employee will wear a face covering, recommended by state & local guidelines. Our technician will ask if it is ok to remove the mask before removal.
- Our technicians & sales representatives will continue to wear shoe covers to ensure they do not take anything into your home. Additionally, we have added the use of disposable gloves and hand sanitizers to their process.
- We have given our technicians and sales representatives alternate procedures for signing paperwork. Eliminating the need for Customer and Employee to have any physical contact with the same pen, paperwork, or tablet.